
Director of Communications | City of Lakeland

228 S. Massachusetts Ave.  Lakeland, FL 33801

863/834-6264 (PH) |

Twitter @lakelandgov


LAKELAND, FL (June 10, 2013) -- The City of Lakeland recently initiated a weight loss program for employees as part of an overall corporate wellness initiative that also includes health screenings and a dedicated clinic for City employees.  Commissioner Troller and Commissioner Merritt are both participating in the weight loss program and they have proposed a friendly bet on who will lose the most weight.  The losing Commissioner will donate $100 to the charity of choice of the other Commissioner.


The weight loss program started May 1st and will run through the end of October with the final weigh-in taking place November 1st.   Commissioner Troller said, “We have had two weigh-ins and I’ve lost over five pounds in four weeks by reducing my intake of fast food and by walking at least 10,000 steps a day per my pedometer.”  He added, “I’ve replaced sweets with fruit and soda with water.


Commissioner Merritt said, “I’m very eager to help promote a healthier community and I believe the Walk Lakeland initiative where I invite members of the community to walk with me on the 1st Tuesday of each month is doing exactly that.  I would like for people to get off the couch and exercise.”  Merritt said, “The friendly bet with Commissioner Troller has given me the little incentive to watch what I eat as I try to exercise more.”


Troller said, “I wear my pedometer every day. May the skinner man win and I’ve already identified my charity of choice to Commissioner Merritt because I’m confident that I’ve got this.” Commissioner Merritt said, “On the first Tuesday of each month I meet up with walkers at a destination around Lakeland for a brisk walk. No timers, no medals, just an opportunity to get up, get out and start walking.”


The next Walk Lakeland event will take place at Lake Hunter.  Walkers will meet at the Lake Hunter Boat Ramp located at 650 Sikes Blvd.on Tuesday, July 2nd at 6 p.m.  Keep track of where the next Walk Lakeland event will take place on the City’s website or receive updates through social media by searching City of Lakeland once you are logged-into Face Book or follow us on Twitter @ lakelandgov.  All ages and fitness abilities welcome.




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