• May 3, 2013 at 1:30pm to May 5, 2013 at 11:00am UTC-04
  • Location: Florida Dance Theatre
  • Latest Activity: Jun 18, 2019

Florida Dance Theatre Wants You!


LAKELAND, FL— Florida Dance Theatre wants to get people moving in honor of National Dance Week.


Dancers are sought to perform in “Celebrate Dance!,” a free performance at Lake Mirror Promenade. The professional dance company also invites aspiring dancers to take part in a series of workshops May 3-5.


Aspiring dancers ages 10 and older are encouraged to submit a DVD of their dance piece of four minutes or less, by April 30 to perform at the main event May 4 at 7 p.m.


“It will be a fun event for the whole family,” said Meredith Spresser, immediate past president of Florida Dance Theatre. “It is amazing how much talent we have in our community.”


Dancers from Florida Dance Theatre, along with dance instructors from throughout the country will teach a series of classes. There are a total of nine classes ranging in length from an hour to an hour and a half. Price is $100 per person for all nine classes or $20 per class.


Class Schedule:

May 3, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

May 4, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

May 5, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.


“Local dancers are given the opportunity to learn from some of the best dancers in the industry,” said Carol Erkes, Florida Dance Theatre founder. “Anyone looking to refine his or her skills is asked to join.”


National Dance Week is about raising awareness of dance and its contributions to society. Thanks to this weeklong observance, dance as an art form is growing – from the popularity of flash mobs to choreographed commercials. “Celebrate Dance!” is another way to show off how important dance is in American culture.   


For more information, please visit http://www.floridadancetheatre.org, email Carol Erkes at info@floridadancetheatre.org or call (863) 802-0399.  

Please send DVD of dance piece to PO Box 831 Lakeland, FL 33802


Florida Dance Theatre is located at 305 W. Main St.


About Florida Dance Theatre

Florida Dance Theatre is a non-profit professional dance company and training academy dedicated to making the arts available to everyone. The organization recognizes the importance of artistic influence on the development and growth of children and community. Florida Dance Theatre strives to increase awareness and appreciation of dance as a living art form and to produce works of high artistic quality in a wide variety of styles. Its continuing purpose is to provide an enriching and unique multicultural experience for the Polk County community and beyond.

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