• Jul 17, 2012 from 1:00pm to 6:00pm UTC-04
  • Location: La Porta Rossa
  • Latest Activity: Jun 18, 2019
IMPORTANT FUNDRAISER NEXT WEEK! Join us any night next week (July 16th-21st) at La Porta Rossa to join all three Lakeland Kiwanis clubs for a night of fun and fellowship with a part of the dinner receipts going to FAMOUS Kiwanis 'Stuff the Bus' fundraiser for school supplies for kids in need.

This is an important event and we want to make the most of it! Call for reservations 688-9616 or just come on over!
The Kiwanis Club of Lakeland is one of the largest, most prestigious and most influential civic organizations in Florida. The Club was chartered on March 14, 1922, as the 10th Kiwanis Club in Florida. Kiwanis was only seven years old, and Plant City, Florida's fifth Club, was our sponsor. Since its...
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