“Voices” is a celebration of the African American Voice in arts hosted by Program Filling The Lane, Theatre of Winter Haven, Brothers United, and The Winter Haven High School’s Culture Connection Club. This year’s featured artists include: Yetta Mar Hansell ( Tampa) Shenita Berrian ( Tampa) Brothers United ( Winter Haven) Kandice Maxwell ( Winter Haven) and Haines City’s City Manager Deric Feacher as the “ Voice”
On the 26th of February at 7:30 pm, guests will enjoy a musical review of African American Musicals such as Ragtime, Once on This Island, and Porgy and Bess to name a few.
The event supports program Filling The Lane. The Mission of Filling The Lane is to bridge a gap between education, sports, culture, and community. Our ultimate goal is to enrich youths’ holistic educational experience by creating a structured and nurturing support system that fosters personal and academic development, community involvement, leadership, and appropriate decision making.
The Ritz ( Downtown Winter Haven)
For more info call the Theatre of Winter Haven (863) 294-7469
General Admission $12.00
Tables ( Food and 6 tickets) $120.00 email me about tables
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